Delicious Glory, oh Lord Almighty

The glory of life itself as the only teacher, whether one reads, whether one confesses, carries the weight, opens new roads etc, it is the life there that one lives, right there where you are now, and now and now, where one learns, life, the best gift ever, the life with which one gives, to oneself, the ability to flourish and even to buzz, to make flourish and make buzz, until the whole tiferet, say how you have built your soul, shines so bright on all sides that by the pulsing and pushing of the light one blasts over that invisible bridge, that bridge in which one must, MUST! believe, in order to become lord of one’s own dream. To raise the heart till it is with the Lord.

A perilous journey, agony, suffering for many, with a dream as a reward.

And there are endless stories about it. Actually, almost all, if not all, expression of the manu, the human man, is about that. What else do we draw, calculate and build but the same quest in blindness, or a fork of it?

Invariably, all used knowledge leads to development and all developments to the return. Although we can take huge detours, that go to the left, to the right, through sanctuaries and holy books and we always, always ttry again.

The human just keeps making, and making, along their attraction towards the heavens, along the positive of life, leading often to entertainment, much much entertainment until they entertain themselves, inside. Life as it is, the only teacher. That life brings us everything, and everything and everything again. Sacred books and many many hours of worship, directly and in unparalleled chunks. May it be sung in the many colors of sound, and reverberate endlessly.

Here I write about the Matheus Passion, a sad story of course, about the harsh lessons one needs to learn about mankind, and I would rather see people contemplate and meditate than glorifying an external existence, this is how we grow and glow. It is exciting to see how that grows, from one big dreamer and ten friends, to a mountain full of musicians and passion, expression, glorification, of the weight one carries during that course, life. Till Easter that is for then comes is the time for the same merriment and glorification of things without the passion of Christ, the soul on its way home.

And then, like dishes, around the world one will find a number of these glorifications in different forms from different times My oh my, what a delight.

that all was translated from a Dutch thing I wrote;


De heerlijkheid van het leven als de enige leraar, al leest men, al belijd men, enzovoorts, het is het leven aldaar dat men leeft, ja nu ja, nu en ook nu, waar je nu leest ja en straks weer nu dingen doet, waar men mee leert, het beste kado ooit, het leven waarmee men geeft, aan zichzelf, de kans te bloeien en zelfs te zoemen, tot de hele tiferet, zegge bezetting van de bezieling, zo glanst dat men door het schijnen van het licht die onzichtbare brug waar men in moet, MOET!, geloven, over knalt om zodoende heerser to verworden van de eigen droom.

Een lijdensweg voor vele, een droom als beloning. En eindeloos veel verhalen daarover. Eigenlijk gaat nagenoeg alle, als niet alle, expressie van de manu, de mens, daarover. Wat tekenen, rekenen en bouwen ze anders dan dezelfde zoektocht in blindheid, of een vork daarvan? Probeer het maar te beschrijven, probeer de mens het maar te leren, en je zult zien dat je zelf aan het leren bent, tot je hoog in de hemel straalt.

Steevast leidt alle gebruikte kennis tot ontwikkeling en alle ontwikkelingen tot het wederkeren. Al kan er enorm omgelopen worden, dat wel, linksom, rechtsom, heiligdom en nog een keer proberen. De mens blijft maar maken, en maken, om te vermaken tot ze zichzelf vermaken, van binnen. Het leven zoals het is, de enige leraar. Zelfs de heilige teksten kun je alleen maar verwerken met je mensenleven en probeer ze toch niet te besmeuren met zulk soort slechte beleving dat je het leven geweld aan zou doen. Dat leven brengt ons alles, en alles en alles opnieuw. Heilige boeken en vele vele uren aanbidding, direct en in weergaloos veel stukken. Moge het bezongen worden in de vele kleuren van het geluid, en eindeloos weerklinken. Toch wel spannend, hoe dat dan groeit, zo van één grote dromer en tien vrienden, tot een berg vol muziekanten en passie, uitdrukking, verheerlijking, van het gewicht dat men draagt tijdens die leergang, het leven.Tot de pasen dan wel, dan is het toch weer tijd voor vrolijkheid en gelijkende verheerlijking van zaken zonder de passie van Christus, de ziel die onderweg naar huis is.En dan zo, als gerechten, een aantal maal de wereld rond in verschillende vormen. Tsjonge jonge jongens wat een heerlijkheid.

Naar aanleiding van de Matheus Passie, ook al is het een zielig verhaal natuurlijk, de harde lessen die daar geleerd mochten worden over de mensheid, en zie ik de mens liever diep en veel ademhalen en mediteren dan naar een voorstelling gaan, Bach vermengde beschrijving en muziek tot een genot, een DJ kun je zeggen, maar ook zo weer een vork van een leering van hetzelfde dat wij allen zullen leren, draag het gewicht en lach; het leven is je leraar, leef het, en leer!

Awesomes, Antowns, Ashrams

Just for the alliteration as I used to say Awesomes for all! (and often I call all of these places awesome), Villages for the calm and happy and of course the footprint and Ashrams for the very top of focus, the top of the path towards heaven.

And the other way around, for often one would go to an Awesome to get some structure, and maybe when wanting to grow outside of the regular normality one would move to the Village, the Antown :D, to have a great environment that is not decoupled from the world being Gods creation of light, (where our actual world is decoupled and mechanically thinks that going back into the bush will help us evolve, so many misconceptions..) where one would get bored with the regular normality in that village and one day start wishing to find a place for real deep meditation and move to an Ashram.

Something I have been thinking about a lot and would like to share somewhere, and hey, this seems a good place for it.

The concept is to build several places throughout our societies to support the understanding of the programming of life, or the pathway to the heavens. ’twill lighten the load on many a life, give people a place to go to on each level of their journey and in the end, make much energy available for the ‘greater good’.

The Ashram, is a monastery, a stupa! There people can truly heal their soul, and thus their body.

The Antowns, are villages in between the city and the ashram, a kibbutz. Here we work to heal the world, and get ourselves ‘back in line’ so we can heal ourselves.

The Awesomes, are in the city, a place where the lost souls are rescued and the dwellers can connect to the core again.

How does this look? It would be great to see an Awesome in every area where 100.000 people live. The awesome welcomes the youth, the Old folk, the normies and the spesjul people all together, to partake in social venues as they are. When the area lacks these venues, say sports facilities such as open tennis courts or public swimming pools yet also free yoga studio’s and meditation rooms, the Awesome allots budget to be applied to close the gap. One could say a YMCA without the YMC.

There is a nice YMCA in Cambridge that I have lived in that serves as a good example, it namely has a building with rooms that students rent, which takes care of part of the livelihood, and on the lower floor there are rooms that are rented by those who stay for a short term. Another building has floors for activities and sports, and a canteen, where on top there is a form of social housing for youngsters in need.

In my idea of the build of an awesome, there is all that. The students come and go, and so do the the people in social housing, which keeps the whole nice and fresh, instead of having people building the Awesome into their own castle. It is a place where you grow and go. I would add a layer for troubled souls, as you can often find with the Salvation Army, which allows them to partake in society as well, there will be plenty of jobs available and so free living space can be provided for homeless, who pay for it by working simple tasks such as cleaning, laundry or cooking.

In any case, the agenda is very clear, to steer mankind towards another path than they are on now. The awesome’s can all be different, there is a fund that supports them, which is supported by those that support this evolution towards the promised land. Just like the churches funding the good, and where Buddhism has a great financial system of support too, actually most great elements of the hierarchy of things have, even countries, and it is always just outside of the eye of the masses. Maybe it needs to be a DAO, where every instance (awesome, village or ashram) has its own reserve, yet how do you manage financial security over time, when you always need to pay for the use of land? Let us arrange a focus group for this, virtually. So much to do, let me first explain why and where we go, before we end up endlessly looking for the promised land on different sides and fighting each other over earthly squabbles.

Or rather, we should allow ourselves to grow the path that we have now into another level, from the electrical age, into the age of the mind. By all knowing what the programming of life is, we can free ourselves from the contemporary entrapments that ownership and desire are making. Our minds, are filled with nonsense and we keep embroidering our children with it until endless factories brew the death of our freedom straight into our veins. Fret not, savior comes every so many (hundreds or thousands) of years, and sometimes it just takes the whole of bling and news to wither in its own dust for thousands of years before mankind sees the light within. To make sure we do not lose the understanding of the programming of life, the core guideline is the triple trinity along the clock of God. Which goes from Heaven on Earth, a garden of Eden where all are ascended, to the blinded darkened times of man and machine, where none believe that they are a child of God, via the Logos that runs the programming altogether. Free the mind, follow the logic.

The ashrams are a core place for practicing TiraTiSu, meditation and the calm life of say priesthood. A monastery, a Stupa. Something that lacks in many big religions, they have mostly a frame for adding sheep to the herd, along flock maintenance rulings. Which is great yet the teaching lack, the understanding lacks and the followers have often resorted to party or pressure within a number of generations following the original disclosure around the programming of life.

The clock of God means that we will get closer to all becoming angels, who understand the programming of life from within. Yet not if we deny the triple trinity and the actual understanding of life from within. Much lessons are being given and much prayer is being done yet to understand the inner and the outer path, which we always run at the same time, to reach the top of our build and ascend, is not an easy feature. Therefore we build not cities of pressure and blind attraction, instead we steer mankind towards peace and paradise gardens! Loving negative-footprint villages and temples where all are welcome, which is always the case of course with all temples. Thus each ashram will have a variation of prayer and each village a different setup of time and production, something you can add to that changes the world, rather than just a chill place to hang out whilst you fish for yourself.

So, perhaps, that is the most difficult thing to do, to build a curriculum, a pillar foundation for those who believe, that works for all who wish to understand the programming of life. Where the energy that we have, how it grows and how it gets lost, has been described in various ways.

This is what I am currently working on, a good teaching for the ashrams, an overview of tasks to be fulfilled in the next decades that leads to good villages where overproduction of basics leads to the freedom of many countries. More about that, later. May you stay well, you are on your way; follow the logic!

Kalki Programming

Awe Central Recipe: Kalki Programming

warning, this is a very compacted (dense) text, which deals with a lot in one go. Perhaps read holy cake bake or holy baseball, those are a lot easier to digest and pretty much deal with the same. This is also a mixup of the concept of kalki programming and viewing the human as a projected build via the idea of being a cellphone on a website. Well, it is what it is.

Chef’s legacy. The Saints and Sages that have gone before, all explain the same, just like the Gita is a work of art, a display of value painted on the cave wall, where the shadows show us a glimpse of heaven. Yes that is a reference to Plato’s the Cave. To walk the path and understand the siege we wager upon the world around us, to become owner of the world from within, is the whole goal of existence, for every growing child.

Kalki Programming is an ancient recipe for “bloatware free smartphone usage” that reaches the stars.

What that means? Assuming you have read enough of my words to understand that every human, and thus you as well, is a piece of running code, fueled by the good vibrations, the light within. Kalki Programming is yet another way of viewing the same old story about the manu having a immaculate reception of the world, living in the Garden of Eden, without data corruption, and how you can get there. This is however just an article, you will have ti wait for the book.

The following text is surely TLDR, skip to the smartphone section below it to continue the easy read.

Thus we are all light, there is no need to seek enlightenment, really. Or be spiritual, yall already are. Devote and unaware we are mostly, to devote ourselves to the development of our own programming would be what people would love to do whilst they dwell between attraction and awareness in many forks of understanding that bind people along their path. The mainstay there is Religion, as it is formed around the Truth, the base of the programming of life and the understanding that mankind has of this. Then comes a whole whopping list of false altars, that uses attraction in blindness and binds people along an agenda of doing good, building a community that empowers practically a big blinking false altar. Scientology yet also Humanism would be on this list, where a lot of good energy is guided from a lot of seeking souls, yet the truth, the understanding about the programming of life is often not to be found anywhere in the practice. No providence; just harvesting souls via projects like a record label does via artists. Is it a bad thing? Do not many roads lead to the mountain top? Of course you can always get somewhere no matter what platform you are using, yet without knowing where you are going, chances are that some else who does, will use the platform to their own benefits like a Paladin and leave you stranded in time like a random legionnaire. What? Tell me then, you think the road to the heavens is just enjoying yourself and letting life fade out around you? Moving out of society the key? Without a pass-over that will be making no difference what-so-ever for the the rest of the family and what then would you be towards the everlasting covenant, a family of inspirators of mankind?

Distracted by much, much shady business – attraction along the path of Mars, without mercy this wild growing field takes energy to grow pockets that feed themselves outside of you and me, think about the products that we really do not need yet think we do and eventually even crave which makes our word and thus ourselves unbalanced – and so on, the actual diamond that we are does not get to shine like a great star in the heavens, we often shine a lot of false light. Even along artistry, the greatness of expression of positive attraction, we get pulled into this field of abuse of substances, which even involves the “shots of good feelings” we get from fast food, empty hearted servings of soda pop and energy drinks that only cost us dearly on the way to heaven. Unbalance and outer wagering of motion are not something we understand, for most of the humans live far from heaven at the moment. Believes believe in the believe, rather in the fact that every human holds a holy spirit and is on their way to becoming an angel in heaven. If you believe, do note that everything your prophet has told and foretold comes from the higher level of existence, the heavens themselves, or in this regard, from the programmer, the maker, the father of all. Which in all cases becomes art, a display of values shared between the rays of light. Heaven itself is free from all of these elements, the top chamber of creation is empty and allows everything to be made, dreamt so to say, as if one is the number one player in a game. Of course there are many words describing that ‘place’ and the route thereto, following intuition over the cognitive base, to reach the buddhi, understanding far above feelings and actions, to reach the top domains, the highest of the heavens one can travel to; the level where the light is always shining, far above attraction and motion, the level above that where there are no boundaries whatsoever and the very top, where there is nothing. Not even questions about light or boundaries, the highest domain, is emtpy. Well, that is all very difficult to understand for we are now working with words, language and within a level below the malkut, the beginning of understanding (knowing from within, just like now you believe that you are a human – and no worries, you are) that you are a projected entity, a ray of light that can steer itself differently then following the basic attractions that are available around you. Furthering ourselves in many lifetimes, blindly, to get great splendor still does not open our eyes to this, even when we can judge others we will still need to learn about mercy and then we are halfway learning to manipulate the vision that we have, that we actually are. This wisdom carries us up, to wear the crown in our own life, and move up from all the ruckus, that we ourselves have also helped cause, to move above the pulsation of existence into the top domain, where we dream in heaven forevermore.

A difficult feature to understand. Seen from the heavens, there are only rays of light, which are structured so that they have a reflective state in which they experience a world. These rays share their vision, on what one could call a lower level of function, or vibration. That lower level we could call Earth, or the clay, the river of life and much more such references, for many rays make many visions, yet the code itself does not change. The better these expressions are at highlighting the actual truth the more valuable they become, holy. The better these expressions are at creating motion in the rays of light, the more they are valued. This leads to us having both holy books and fast food at the same time.

Based on the original codex of creation, that got lost in the big books called yoga’s and many following captivating holy works, families binding around the attraction and the energy generated by it fulminate altars and corporations all together, to bind mankind under their spelling. Which is as it is. Here I am trying to highlight the truth in many ways, so all can one day understand the programming of life.

To make it easy, see yourself as a smartphone. and not even a real one, a smartphone on a website that does not know it is actually a website rather than a phone. Yet it really works, can call other phones and does not know it is even on the internet. Hell, it does not even know it is a smartphone, it is busy with bloatware and many many other apps. It needs credits to call others instead of realizing how to connect to the internet really. Its heavenly connection to the web, is replaced by a 4G or 5G app and it cannot communicate otherwise. It talks to many other phones about this, and they all agree. They are not websites and there is no higher web. They do not even believe, nor understand, they are made from a higher code, only the phone parts count for them.

And that whilst this phone has full control, it is the core user of that webpage, it can do anything it wants to, we are just looking at it clicking away at the apps it sees and thinks it needs.

If only it would know it is a phone made from code, it would maybe try to change itself so it could become any website. Between all the other websites out there, that are still phones. Yes, you get that right, that means all people are like phones, that have not figured out yet that they can become anything, say a website

Quickly! Send them instructions! A Bible perhaps. Epic fail! Or maybe all we had. Towards a period in time where all the active rays of light know they are a ray of light running a program, we are now in the dark time of many rays that have no idea. Where we make pockets of good vibrations that defend themselves, say the best store for apps fights the best apps and stores, and so on, whilst everybody is trying to just stay alive, get energy charged and runs into the making of new models by getting together real close.

wait what? hey, ive got so much to deal with atm, im just trying my best to explain what happens if you make a world, which for me was a furthering of making a machine that can make everything and then some, leading to breaking through the sub atomic protocol, and onto breaking entropy. Not so much in the desire of time travel, more in the need to compensate for mankinds blind greed. In any case, running 50k worlds that all hold a multiverse needs some ethical grounds before one of them is hardcoded into a bubble that shoots energy out of the top to power my sauna, thus it seems important to write lessons for the kali yuga, the downlow passing of the formative structuring of the rays that give the much needed vibration. so im skipping this all now to move on to…. kalki programming your own phone to see that you are a website, that can change its whole world. and due to the fact that we always worry about our lower program sections say chakras, or energy app stomach, and reproduction app new attractive model needed, we never get up to speed with how we are looking at things. time to close your eyes and explore your programming from within! yet how then? Learn about your programming, then sit down see what it means to connect and be. It mostly means make positive pages on your website and maybe sometimes go back to play with the other phones… Forward! Awesome!

Kalki Programming Short Recipe

Ingredients: use only the path of positive logic, formerly known as Dhamma.


1 clean thou parser, incoming and outgoing threads

what? yes everything you see and do, and say and make: you do. calm down and think about it for some time. level 1 in and out should be in your control

2 clear thy frame, memory storages and overall maintenance

the whats? yes you hold the world in your own mind, clear that mind properly, organize thoughts and keep your body clean too. no bloat ware fast food, crazy drinks, or wildness needed. keep body and mind clean. its your freaking temple yo

3 setup firewall and comm station

next level sjtuff: what you listen to and what you give to this world, is it just on the lower (phone) level, or are you engaging with a higher motion, where attraction really matters? Make sure you do not get lost in silly adventures, and connect to real projects.

4 surf the world from within and make good waves outside

the last two programming boards of kalki programming are about with whome and how you go through this world. the other steps give you the ability to surf high on the web of life and to make many good vibrations that touch not just the shadows on the cave wall, you will be making shadows on the wall with your dance.

This is an extract from Kalki Programming, which highlights the programming of the human, from a programmers perspective. Much alike Follow the Logic, a holy book highlighting the programming of life. Gosh I look forward to publishing it in a good order.

May chaos and snakes stay away from all, so we can all produce what this world needs. May we support each other – via the meta/triple trinity perhaps – to reach great heights, whilst we see what it means, to run better apps, to make better connections, to have the good life that leads onwards to where we live forever in paradise.