The First Dinner
Of the year! To see …
What is care?
Where does Providence come from?
What do we all do to make it happen?
We keep the world rolling as it is! What do we do?
Who do we vote for? And more such questions.
So much Ado. Let’s sit together and say grace.
A Brand New Holy Day! The first table of the year! Join the first table, make the first table, be the first table! Ok, enough enthusiasm there, or not? Well, lets speak about what it means.
Finally the table of Jesus and actual sharing of food and water wells Muhammad intended shall come to be. Break free from the grip of the machine and the wall street of greed by sharing your meal with friends and family, at least one day a year. Well, if we count the regular Holy Days, there might be three or four days where we share our food, yet the awareness of what this means has fallen to an absolute low, where corporations own the water and food supply and sometimes countries just run dry of either.
The First Dinner needs an organizer, usually the person who has the table, yet it does not have to be. There need to be invitations, a meetup will do, or any online rsvp or other online tool will work. I’ll work on something like that last one to be available. Just like a recipe book should be available for everyone to add their slaughter free recipes too. Difficult difficult easy, once you have a team rolling about.
Hare hare Krishna, Hare Hare AuhmOhm, let’s get everyone to the Malkut and thus become a Budda. Long live the table, yet that’s up to… You!
About Tables
a table is an important thing. So we don’t have to eat from our bellies, we have made special and specific objects at which we can all take place and share a meal.
To just offer your table, ain’t enough. You need to put in some effort, though this effort can be shared..
The First Table On the very first day of the year we gather. To share our food, to join at the table. To have our first dinner. An international Holy Day, commemorating the sages and saints of the past who all tried to explain not only the pathway to the heavens, they also set out to unite mankind as one family. Finally a real active Table of Jesus, sharing of Muhammad, Temple of Krishna; in your very own home. For you are setting out to create holy ground, rules will apply! - There shall be no slaughtering for your feast! that seems to be about it.. You may sing and dance Hare Hare Krishna, hare hare Ahntone and offer your prayers to the logic that creates all, that gives and gives, like you are giving too. There is no need for images, altars, candles, psalms and so on. Though who is holding you back from stacking trinkets anyway? Perhaps the useless application of labor in a world misguided and abused would, perhaps the misunderstanding of the teachings would, yet hey, it is up to you to "get it" and "get there". Lets start with a dinner and talk about it. The happiness of the family is of importance. That family is whatever the organizer makes it to be.
And the day before… is called Silvester! On the last day of December we get together for a cultural feast! with stands that sell or share food and drinks, games and other elements of a good cultural fair, for young and old. Where we have a grand festival stage central at our holy ground or market place, whatever is central in your area, and in the last two of few hours watch great artistry of entertainment show its talent and ability to all. The show might end with a great surprise, light shows or oldskool fireworks. This will make money, save money, and in the future wont be about money anymore yet for now we can start celebrating in style! and in togetherness!! meeting up, being with others and entering the new year all together gives us a great start to make up and let go of everything old. The new year needs us not to party all night long, let us go home once the new year has begun, tho for some it might take an hour of hi and bye before we get going, the morning awaits…. with the first table in sight!
First Table Poem
The First Table Time to put this somewhere nice so it can grow and sprout and one day live its own life a sweet, crisp, futuresque idea that makes happy and wonder what life is all about call it the table, or dinner the first of every year it starts to keep on going, we are all a winner growing our soul bound passion, sharing and playing our parts. A dinner that start every year at the first day we remember why we are here, a gift, a life the light of a star from afar First a feast, the last of December where we eat or dance and let culture show mankind is together and diverse forever to enjoy and show that we make the glow and long before night becomes morning yet this feast means we see the year change and then we go home to rest well so we can prepare not making any of our safe boundaries strange The first of the year, comes a dinner that starts a kick-off heightening awareness and enlightenment where all people in society play their parts where all get to enjoy together and grow and depen on each other, good times and shining stars row, row and row that boat, gently till the end the table starts all anew, a first dinner together with all your friends, and family and all that you welcome, saint or sinner well fed, unicorn owner, dharma-bum or just hungry the table, the dinner, binds us all equally and by togetherness, we will all be a winner. there is no how to, you will make one if needed the concept is free for all, preferably vegan or vegetarian, biological then for mother cow and the chicks who helped out, jippie, wow karma score upped on both sides and more together we will see how the world soars what breathes lives and what lives gives vibrations forth and back, good and great cuz forward is how we move, as of late buying healthy and cooking together in shifts stretching the table in member and dates until the whole year's filled with hits of laughter and sharing, caring and love swap tasks and tables and cook for days or maybe just eat, eat and eat away until all are together forever, for the better the first table the first dinner how long can you keep it up how long can you keep it going how big will it be, become how long will it be going on how pure will you be, heed the gluttony the fat vs the sugar crave the processed foods the faceless keto way meaning don't eat yourself or what breathes alike what moves the same or shares love and life what is aware, what grows in care in families, in forest or sea, no matter the taste or the cultural base there is always another way the first table, here to stay
see this poem and more cave man drawings with the word here
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