I’m in a pickle, there again, child in your eyes
Cats and dogs all wanna play, no surprise
Death from the world of water, demise
Stealing, not balance of life as high-rise
Dogs all barking up the wrong tree
Some ate the apple, just let em be
Yet they don’t seem to see
Just like the great heroes are already
It’s Peanut, in a pickle, a hero to be
Recognized, who wants or needs
You and your love to just be free
Sowing smiles in all his seeds
Sort of not interested in that game
Neither in dazzling or in fame
Scared when I say list em all
Afraid I guess, did they fall
Again a wild master in my house
Please, a cat, a rat, a mouse
Anything but this fear, blinded
Players do nothing but hide it
Wouldn’t make you this unfree
My friend, mi ami, please see
You are here to become
Part of what lives forever long
no enemies in heaven, no care
Sweetest intergalactic endeavors
Else you might just not be there
Who be loving 6 lying saviours
Each trying to date a puppet below
who is trashing this awesome show
So just saying this must be the man
The maker the master with a plan
Yes A floating head in space
Making me a living disgrace
Painting, Weed, Nightmare’s back
ain’t light, nor dark, pitch black
Throw me now and here although
many songs and ideas unknown
Come still to change the flow
Whence musterd up and grown
Forward to the candelabra, temple high
People dancing, laughing, knowing the sky
Programming love, be safe and fly
Making the whole of earth ask why
Mountains of peace have no justice
Without any hills to hold them back
It’s chaos crawling up onto the stack
Get up clean, above where the bliss is
Many dogs crawling, the same as cats
Who would care about you growing
Not many reborn would teach that
Forever it keeps rolling and glowing
And everyone needs to feed the track
The endless golden road to nowhere
That always goes round and round
Only one God, bless you, would care
Which in the end is yourself glowing
On top of the mountain, if you dare
To give it all to God and keep walking
For when you do, all the world will care