The Triple Trinity

Great News Everybody!

// this is a work in progress!

Three times Three…
brings peace and prosperity!

The Triple Trinity:

1. Providence

food, shelter and education for all.

2. Human

unity, equality and freedom for all.

3. Infinity

Growing your form, Programming the self, Entering Infinity.

Pre Awesome time 2020 –


Three times three brings peace and prosperity 

The Triple Trinity is part of God’s Great Plan and holds three trinities in itself. To help bring mankind to the next development level as a species we are introducing brand new heavenly guidelines to eradicate suffering!

Be it trade, arts, love or light, all is coupled in an organized logical fashion, a base programming that not only covers natural laws, it governs the blooming of flowers and people equally. One could say God’s mysterious ways, yet there is no gambling nor luck in logic, the logical path to the Good Life and the stairways up have their steps laid out, already before the word.

Time to rediscover the grand pathways of old, where man describes the fine almost athletic art of moving in the flow of life, in stories, scriptures and wholesome concepts as Dhamma, and bring peace upon our highest of agendas. Well, the heat is on and most seem to, perhaps blindly, accept getting burned, walking on blisters or endlessly looking for love or answers.

Thank God there is Good News for Everybody; Finally there is a wholesome handle to hold on to again. And you’d better, for things are about to become hot. Enter the Triple Trinity, a baseline solution for a world in blindness, in one neat triangle. With basic needs covered and less and less fighting, even economically, People can all go to heaven.

What makes

Three times three

Triple Trinity

1. Providence

food, shelter and education for all.

2. Human

unity, equality and freedom for all.

3. Infinity

Good form, Holy programming and Infinity.

The First

The Province Trinity 

The Province Trinity

For humankind to be able to get to the level of the holy trinity, to master the path of the time and eventually their universe even, one needs to be able to first have some basic supply we shall just call Providence. Else one will always be fighting for safe motion of themselves. To be able to generate this so-called Providence we will need … three things! 

  • Food and water: free the food, free the people

Struggle, for food and water, has become normal in a large part of our world. From the near top to the very bottom of our societies people need to spend time wagering their potential against each other so they can eat, blindy holding all of life in the grip of a large blind pyramid. Let’s make it a great lions’ kingdom collection, with a cycle of life without suffering.

  • Housing: not something to fight for

Whenever you leave your parents or caretakers cave, you will need to besiege another. Which is a great adventure! Time to give running water, safe beds and sewerage to the world so there is always a place to go to.

  • Schools: change weapons of mass division

Where education is of importance we hold back many children and adults from their potential due to borders and local competition. We learn how to compete instead of cooperate. Many schools have flipped. Work is changing rapidly. Now to go from here to paradise: together we can be the change.

The Second

The Human Trinity

The Human Trinity

God’s garden grows beautiful flowers, children we are. On our way to become. To make sure that all the lost children, all the code we together manage and grow, have a chance to bloom, meaning we aim for every human to become a full world, a high level reflective state of being, we need to let that humankind be free from fighting within the form.

  • United: one mankind

When we are no longer fighting over flags, colors and abilities humankind can see it is one family. A furthering of our United Nations. A time where we don’t steal from the cookie jar and where we know that lying hurts us all, awaits us still. This is a larger evolution.

  • Equal: where all see as God

A world where you need not worry about how you look, which you shouldn’t for worries trouble the mind. Where you are equal in any case or matter, perhaps not as a minor yet then you still have  equal basic human rights. 

  • Free: unbound and ready to fly

Where thus you are free. Logically free. Not bound by conviction, not bound by matter. Free to explore the next Trinity, for instance.

The Third

The Infinty Trinity 

The Holy Trinity

As old as the world, this three-fold understanding about ‘the code that makes all’ and how it relates to a human -an active reflection pattern- is a concentrated guide to heaven!

Everything around us is built out of logically ruled streams of light yet few forms can see this. However we humans can master our code. To find the already embedded function for this, the holy spirit, we need to clean our build and get to the core. Find our way home to the basic principles of our existence inside ourselves, our reflective actions and what holds them. To review the pillars on which we stand and go home to the logic.

This all to become the greatest you, to shine as a star in heaven, to eventually do what God does, project a whole world. Thus to be a lost starseed, planted code, that finds its way home, blooming bright, to become the highest of programmings, has always been the same Trinity.

Alas, stardom is often mistaken for the first available stages of manipulation of attraction! To have a clear view one needs not to be fighting for food nor each other and when the first trinities are available a person can always move to the next level by exploring;

The Holy Trinity;

  • Malkut Logos. Meaning a kingdom made from all who become like God: the Father.
  • Wholesome focus. Meaning The Holy Spirit: you being the light
  • Infinity: homecoming of The lost Children: all of humankind

The Third

The Infinty Trinity

The Infinity Trinity

Holy is a great word. When something allows us to survive, like knowledge, we shall positively value it. Be it in the form of materials, items or customs, that which safeguards our livelihood is regarded as having special value. The more important for our survival the knowledge is, the more important it becomes for us to pass it along and to safeguard it. 

That which is connected to the logic that makes all, to the livelihood that is the base of our motion, towards the understanding that allows us to be more than just an animal, becomes more special than the other special parts. It is then connected to the core of the logic that makes all, the home from where we were born. What teaches you to live forever, to enter the Malkut, the Kingdom God, the heavens or walhalla, becomes sacred. When it is connected to this level of livelihood we call things holy. 

Yet many a person has been confused about the holy trinity. The Malkut Trinity. The trinity that brings you to infinity. Lest us talk about what regular normality thinks is important, in or outside of those who dedicate themselves to God. The first two trinities are even easy to explain, compared to the dazzling greatness of the top tier of functions shown in the infinity trinity, mostly for providence and humanity focus on the form in which we are born, with all the weight that we bear, together, whilst infinity goes beyond.

The three parts of the infinity trinity revolve around every single individual, for every child can become a whole word, by themselves, with their energy in check, their balances paid and enough room to discover the holy spirit, yet some guidance might be nice. Especially when growing up and when still forming our body or person. It is never too late!

In a united world, people are free, humankind is managing providence and all children can find their way to heaven by looking inside themselves. This last part is what this is about.

The Third

The Infinity Trinity

The Infinity Trinity

  • Part one: God: the Father

The maker and main creating process, in some histories called the big dreamer or eagle, the all sprouting lucid dream container, that we are a running threaded copy of. One can become a dream container like the original maker. This needs good vibrations and control of our programming. Many lives of good connections and vibrations lead to this stage, heaven. Many folks run into the heavens placement only after losing physical representative form. It’s ok. You are on your way.

  • The Holy Spirit: you being the light

The perfection of programming, maximizing our own direction of life. Spiritedness on a holy level. Player number one level function. Due to the nature of our views, this form of being is exceptionally attractive. We would love to be able to run this level of functions, mostly for crossing the function barrier. Yet most attraction pulls us out of this class. To attain high level view or become a holy class being one needs to pull oneself out of the clay. Out of the lower functions. Tony Tiramisu!

  • The lost Son: all of humankind

That lost son, is a star that ain’t central in its own dream, just yet. A lost sun, so to say, rising through different placements to be able to shine bright. Every human, male and/or female, has this process. Is this process, running as a thread, climbing in placement. Until homecoming, learning to hold intentional directive, one is considered lost. This home can only be found by positive allocation, which leads to attainment, through actions. It’s the reason the grass grows. We are the sheep, the children of God, the flowers that wish to bloom as strawberries. It’s always time to shine!

Give today

Live today

We consider all of life to be on its way up and therefore all are children, all on their way, most steadfast, some dwindling. Whenever a lost child comes home, a starseed takes place in our heavens and they have entered kingdom God. From the first higher engagement onwards one can no longer deny its existence, before that denial is easy. Take your time to have a look at yourself. Yet not to long, all that changes anyway. Take more time and look inside of yourself.  Use the Tiramisu Guide to get through the first steps and keep dancing in tune with life! 

There is still a good amount of work ahead, pull yourself up and seek an awesome adventure to aid with:

The Triple Trinity

1. Providence

food, shelter and education for all.

2. Humanity

unity, equality and freedom for all.

3. Infinity

Malkut, Wholesome focus and Infinity for all.


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